目前分類:MOVIE (23)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2011-06-27 帥哥西裝(ハンサム★スーツ) (181) (0)
2010-08-27 福爾摩斯(Sherlock Holmes) (109) (3)
2008-06-22 K歌情人(Music and Lyrics) (451) (2)
2008-02-23 瘋狂理髮師(Sweeney Todd) (180) (5)
2008-01-25 國家寶藏s(National Treasure) (258) (0)
2007-12-28 黃金羅盤(The Golden Compass) (569) (4)
2007-12-02 貝武夫(Beowulf) (219) (3)
2007-11-02 獨領風潮(Take The Lead) (129) (1)
2007-10-27 豆豆假期(Mr. Bean's Holiday) (101) (1)
2007-10-18 Always幸福的三丁目(Always三丁目の夕日) (372) (4)
2007-07-20 哈利波特-鳳凰會的密令(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) (137) (4)
2007-03-01 硫磺島s (480) (4)
2007-02-15 穿著Prada的惡魔(The Devil Wears Prada) (429) (4)
2007-02-15 令人討厭的松子的一生(Memories of Matsuko) (235) (0)
2006-01-22 藝伎回憶錄(Memoirs of a Geisha) (275) (5)
2006-01-19 蝙蝠俠。開戰時刻(Batman Begins) (252) (0)
2005-12-04 哈利波特-火杯的考驗(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) (473) (1)
2005-11-28 NaNa (221) (5)
2005-11-06 翻滾吧!男孩(Jump Boys) (267) (2)
2005-10-31 巧克力冒險工廠(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) (374) (0)
2005-10-22 毒鑰(The Skeleton Key) (310) (0)
2005-10-19 史密斯任務(Mr.& Mrs.Smith) (433) (3)
2005-10-01 地獄新娘(The Corpse Bride) (250) (0)